

Starting with v2.0.0 the format for actions was changed to the following {properties} [id] args.


A set of key=value options separated by space. Read more about properties on their own page. 👇



Each action has its own unique identifier. The id is also case-insensitive, meaning that [CONSOLE] is the same as [console].

Default actions

Actions with dependencies

Available actions

Default actions


[console] - execute a command from console

<command>: String, the command to execute

[player] - execute a command as the player that is using the voucher

<command>: String, the command to execute (the slash is not required, unless the command has two or more)


[addexp] - give to the player an amount of EXP

<amount>(L): Integer, amount of exp to add. By appending an L after, levels of exp will be given instead of points

[item] - give to the player a custom item

A format similar to EssentialsX's is used.


  • material(:damage): String, name of a Material. To specify its damage, add :damage after (INK_SACK:4 for lapiz lazuli on < 1.13)

  • amount: Integer, the amount of the item


  • name: String, the name of the item, use _ for space

  • lore: String, the lore of the item, use _ for space and | for a new line

  • color: ColorString, the color of the item, used for leather armor

  • flags: List, a comma separated list of ItemFlag names

  • unbreakable: make the item unbreakable, this argument doesn't require a value

  • model: Integer, the custom model data of this item (1.14.4+)

  • nbt: String, a JSON string representing item's NBT, some escaping should be done, mostly for quotes. This argument must be the last one since it takes everything that's after nbt: as value

For enchantments simply use Enchantment:level For name and lore , if you want to use _ and | you will have to escape them by adding a \ before.

[voucher] - give vouchers to the player


  • name: String, the name of a voucher


  • amount: Integer, the amount of vouchers to give (default: 1)

  • args: String, similar to the give command


[bossbar] - display a boss bar on player's screen

message: String, the message that will be displayed

[chat] - make the player send a message in chat

message: String, the message that will be sent

[message] - send a message to the player

message: String, the message that will be sent.


[data] - store a value that can be reused on the next actions

key: String, the key of the value, must not contain spaces

value: Anything, the value

[effect] - give a potion effect to the player


  • effect: String, the name of a PotionEffectType

  • duration: Ticks, the duration of the effect


  • amplifier: Integer, the amplifier of the effect (default: 1)

[sound] - play a sound to the player

sound: NamespacedKey, the key of the sound

Actions with dependencies


[addmoney] - add money to player's balance

An economy plugin is required to use this action.

amount: Double, the amount of money to give

[permission] add or remove a permission to the player

A permissions plugin is required to use this action.


  • action: String, the name of the action to perform, ADD or REMOVE

  • permission: String, the permission node


  • world: String, the name of the world where the permission will be added / removed (default: player's world)

Last updated