
Generic properties

These properties are available for all actions.


The chance out of 100 for this action to be executed (supports decimals) Format: chance=<chance> (e.g. chance=25 for 25%)


Delay an action by n ticks Format: delay=<delay> (e.g. delay=20 for 1s)


Execute the action depending on player's permission. Format: permission=<PermissionMode>:<permission>

  • PermissionMode:

    • ADD: The action will be executed only if the player doesn't have this permission and will be added after the first execution

    • ADD_TEMP: The permission is added, the the action is executed and then the permission is removed

    • NO_PERMISSION: The action will be executed only if the player doesn't have this permission

    • REQUIRE: The action will be executed only if the player has this permission

    • REMOVE: Same as REQUIRE but the permission is removed after the first execution

  • <permission>: String, a permission node

Specific properties

These properties are available only for certain actions.


Broadcast the action to certain players. Actions: [bossbar], [message], [sound] Format: broadcast=<condition>:(value),<condition>:(value)... or broadcast=* to broadcast to all players with no exceptions

  • permission:<permission>: Broadcast to players with a certain permission

  • radius:<radius>: Broadcast to players within a radius (supports decimals)

  • world: Broadcast to players from player's world world


  • broadcast=permission:example.permission,world

  • broadcast=permission:some.permission,radius:50

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