
Built-in placeholders for generating random elements or evaluate math equations


Get an element from a list using a chance system (0 to 100, supporting decimals). Format: chance:{(chance)=(item),(chance)=(item),default=(default item)} Placeholders can be used for chance and using the default keyword instead of a chance, you can specify a default value for when the player is unlucky. If no default value is specified, nothing will be returned. Examples:

  • chance:{85=STONE 65,10=COAL 64,5=DIAMOND 4,default=DIRT 1} - 85% for STONE 64, 10% for COAL 64, 5% for DIAMOND 4 and the default value DIRT 1


Powered by EvalEx, the math tag allows to evaluate math equations to get the result. Format: math:{(scale),<equation>} or math:{<equation>} Examples:

  • math:{3,10 / 3} = 3.000

  • math:{10 / 3} = 3

Random Double

Generate a random Double between a min (inclusive) and max (inclusive) value. Format: random:{(precision),<min>,<max>} or math:{<min>,<max> Examples:

  • random:{0,100} = 5.215616126 (without precision all decimals are returned)

  • random:{3,0-100} = 5.231

Random Element

Pick a random element from a comma separated list Format: randomE:{E1,E2,E3...,En} Examples:

  • randomE:{Epic,Rare,Common} - pick a random String

  • randomE:{112,1948,9684,132} - pick a random number

  • randomE:{Text,14918,AnotherText,1515} - the elements can be anything

Random Long

Generate a random Long between a min (inclusive) and max (inclusive) value. Format: randomL:{<min>,<max>} Examples:

  • randomL:{0,12345678901234567}

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