
General format

      minimumRequirements: Integer # the minimum amount of requirements a player must pass (default: -1, all) (OPTIONAL)
      'unique requirement name':
        # use !<type> to negate a requirement, for example '!string equals'
        type: String # the name of a valid requirement (see 'Types' below) (REQUIRED)
        optiona: Boolean # whether a requirement is optional (default: false) (OPTIONAL)
        failActions: List<Action> # actions executed if the requirement fails (OPTIONAL)



Requirements for player's current location Variables: Location


Check if the distance between player's location and a specific location is ≤ than n


type: 'distance'
location: Location # or placeholder that returns one (see 'Variable Types')
distance: Number   # or placeholder that returns a number
# The player must be close to world 25/100/200 (X/Y/Z)
type: 'distance'
location: world;25;100;200
distance: 10


Compare two numbers using math operations. The requirement uses Doubles, meaning decimals are supported.


type: operation # See below
left: number    # or placeholder that returns a number
right: number   # or placeholder that returns a number

Equal (==)

Check if the numbers are equal

type: '=='
left: 10
right: 15
# Result: false, 10 and 15 are not equal

Greater (>)

Check if left is greater than right

type: '>'
left: 10
right: 15
# Result: false, 10 is not greater than 15

Greater or equal (>=)

Check if left is greater or equal to right

type: '>='
left: 20
right: 15
# Result: true, 20 is greater or equal to 15

Smaller (<)

Check if left is smaller than right

type: '<'
left: 10
right: 15
# Result: true, 10 is smaller than 15

Smaller or equal (<=)

Check if left is smaller or equal to right

type: '<='
left: 20
right: 15
# Result: false, 20 is not greater or equal to 15


Compare two strings


type: operation # See below
left: string    # or placeholder that returns a string
right: string   # or placeholder that returns a string

Equals (string equals)

Check if left is equal to right - case sensitive

type: string equals
left: Steve
right: steve
# Result: false, 'Steve' is not the same as 'steve'

Equals ignore case (string equals ignore case)

Check if left is equal to right - case insensitive

type: string equals ignore case
left: Steve
right: steve
# Result: true, 'Steve' is equal to 'steve'

Contains (string contains)

Check if left contains right - case sensitive

type: string contains
left: ArcaneVouchers
right: vouchers
# Result: false, 'ArcaneVouchers' does not contain 'vouchers'

Contains ignore case (string contains ignore case)

Check if left contains right - case insensitive

type: string contains ignore case
left: ArcaneVouchers
right: vouchers
# Result: true, 'ArcaneVouchers' contains 'vouchers'

Variable types


Format: world;x;y;z Example: world_the_end;25;100;30 - The End at 25/100/30


Check if the player has ≤ 10 HP

# %player_health% ≤ 10
left: '%player_health%'
type: '<='
right: 10
  - '[message] <red>You can not use this item at full HP'

Check if the player is the owner of the WorldGuard region he's standing in

left: '%worldguard_region_owner%'
type: string equals
right: '%player_name%'
  - '[message] <red>You can use this item only in your own protection'

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